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Talking about the Future of Education

The 1st International Education Forum Gamlitz - 9 -11 July, 2021

Educators from different European countries meet in the beautiful town Gamlitz to think and discuss challenges of education as well as possible solutions.
Under the headline "Retreat to Better Strike" we came together to find inspiration and motivation by exchange our ideas in an environment of local, regional and international exchange and research.
Thoughts were flowing. Different views were a great feedback and push us to think about new ways or better said: levers we could use to activate teachers' learning and changes in the whole field of education.

Challenges in education are always an expression of social grievances. The transmission of cultural and educational knowledge, skills and attitudes is the task of the new founded association (founded by Josef Huber) and this association wants to contribute to the further development of education. Not in the sense of improvements or revisions and adaptations of curricula, not in small changes. The solution lies in a different, new type of learning.

First questions were introduced under the following headlines:

Here are some visual impressions of our #eduretreat2021 - please click on the photo for a short presentation.